Dying in Vein

Dying in Vein

Dying in Vein Personalizing the public health epidemic with stories of addiction 2016 | Running Time: 71 minutes | Rating: NR DYING IN VEIN is a deeply personal exploration of opiate and heroin addiction. The film shines a light on the public health epidemic by...
Dogtown Redemption

Dogtown Redemption

Dogtown Redemption Three marginalized characters survive redeeming recyclables 2015 | Running Time: 95 minutes | Rating: NR DOGTOWN REDEMPTION follows the lives of three outsiders who survive redeeming bottles, cans, and other recyclables in an area of West Oakland,...
The C Word

The C Word

Together a neuroscientist and cancer survivor question cancer treatment status quo 2016 | Running Time: 89 minutes | Rating: NR THE C WORD reveals the forces at play keeping us sick and dares to ask: if up to 70 percent of cancer deaths are preventable, why aren’t we...
Alive Inside

Alive Inside

Alive Inside A life-affirming look into music therapy for Alzheimer’s patients 2014 | Running Time: 78 minutes | Rating: NR ALIVE INSIDE is a joyous cinematic exploration of music’s capacity to reawaken and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity. Chronicling the...
32 Pills: My Sister’s Suicide Resources

32 Pills: My Sister’s Suicide Resources

Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. 32 Pills: My Sister’s Suicide Piecing together the life, death and mental illness of an older sibling Websites: SUICIDE...