Look into My Eyes A group of New York City psychics conduct deeply intimate readings for their clients, revealing a kaleidoscope of loneliness and connection, joy and eccentricity, pain and healing. 2024 | Running Time: 1 hour 48 minutes | Rating: NR This project is a...
Not Carol NOT CAROL examines the scourge of postpartum psychosis through the tragic prism of the Carol Coronado murder case. In a judicial system riddled with archaic laws and chronic misunderstanding, Carol’s story shines a light on a public health epidemic...
Procession A group of survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic priests battle for justice. 2021 | Running Time: 1 Hour 56 minutes | Rating: R In PROCESSION, documentary filmmaker Robert Greene — the director of the acclaimed Bisbee ’17 — follows male survivors of sexual...
16 and Recovering The four-part docuseries follows nine students at Northshore Recovery High School, which was founded to address the rise in adolescent addiction. 2020 | Running Time: 240 minutes | Rating: NR An intimate, four-part documentary series, “16 and...
The bold and brave lens of Letizia Battaglia 2019 | Running Time: 97 minutes | Rating: NR Sicilian Letizia Battaglia began a lifelong battle with the Mafia when she first dared to point her camera at a brutally slain victim. A woman whose passions led her to ditch...
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