The chemical effects of childhood abuse and its treatment
2016 | Running Time: 60 minutes | Rating: NR

RESILIENCE explains how childhood abuse and neglect impacts one’s biological makeup leading to illness and self-destructive behaviors later in life. Toxic stress experienced during youth triggers hormones that leave a lasting impact on brains and bodies. Kids who experienced this stress are exposed to greater risk of experiencing disease, homelessness, prison time and early death. The film documents a new movement of trailblazers working in pediatrics, education and social welfare, creating therapies to help alleviate the effects of toxic stress on children. RESILIENCE premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival. Director/Producer: Jamie Redford; Writer: Jen Bradwell; Producer/Executive Producer: Karen Pritzker; Executive Producer: Regina K. Scully
Cleveland International Film Festival 2016: Greg Gund Memorial Standing Up Awards (nomination)
Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2016: Social Justice Award (nomination)
“Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope is a powerful venture into a public health crisis that was initially seen as pseudoscience masquerading as medicine, until a study revealed the prevalence and extent of the problem.”