Always in Season A mother battles to find justice after her son’s lynching was ruled a suicide 2019 | Rating: NR ALWAYS IN SEASON explores the lingering impact of historic racial terrorism and its connection to racial violence today. The film centers on the case of...
Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. NOTES FROM DUNBLANE: LESSONS FROM A SCHOOL SHOOTING Following Sandy Hook, a Scottish priest offers advice learned from tragic gun...
Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. NEWTOWN A portrait of community resilience following a deadly mass shooting Websites: GIFFORDS BRADY CAMPAIGN EVERYTOWN FAITHS UNITED...
Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. THE INVISIBLE WAR The film that spurred action against sexual assault in the military Websites: IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN VETERANS OF...
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