Lessons From A School Shooting Resources

Lessons From A School Shooting Resources

Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. NOTES FROM DUNBLANE: LESSONS FROM A SCHOOL SHOOTING Following Sandy Hook, a Scottish priest offers advice learned from tragic gun...
Dolores Resources

Dolores Resources

Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. Dolores Activist icon Dolores Huerta, who tirelessly led the fight for racial and labor justice Social Media Campaigns: #DOLORESHUERTA...
Anita Resources

Anita Resources

Film Resources Interested in learning more about the topics this film brings to life? Please have a look at the resource links below. Anita THE STORY OF A WOMAN WHO EMPOWERED MILLIONS TO STAND UP FOR EQUALITY AND JUSTICE Websites: GIRLS FOR GENDER EQUALITY HOLLABACK...