2019 | Running Time: 1 hour 26 minutes over 4 episodes | Rating: NR

The harrowing and courageous documentary, “Rewind,” marks the directorial debut of Henry’s first child, Sasha Joseph Neulinger, who took the name of his maternal great-grandfather as a way of severing any lingering connection to his abusers. He sifted through over 200 hours of home videos shot from his earliest days to the moment he moved out for college, examining the footage to illuminate the story buried within seemingly inconsequential interactions. The ability to read a great work of cinema is not all that different from psychoanalysis, since signs of trauma are often conveyed through nonverbal behavior rather than expositional monologues. I found myself drawing upon the same instincts I utilize for processing nuanced visual storytelling as I regarded young Sasha’s piercing stare, radiating the pent-up agony he is not yet ready to articulate. Apart from its numerous profound achievements, Neulinger’s picture is an extraordinary work of film analysis, inviting the viewer to study certain encounters frame-by-frame as a way of revealing their unspoken subtext. Director: Sasha Joseph Neulinger.
“He’s chasing ghosts that won’t let go of him.”
“One of the year’s best films.”
“Talk about a superhero.”
The Emmy Awards
Nominations for Outstanding Editing, Outstanding Direction, and Outstanding Social Issues, 2021

Tags: Documentary, Sexual Child Abuse